Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Why must everything be so complicated?

Hello, everyone.
This is my new blog. The third of its kind. The style and content will be somewhat similar to some of my previous blogs (for those of you familiar with any of them). My hope is this will represent a more polished, structured and sophisticated account of the random thoughts, observations and happenings in the life of Smash. Let me begin by giving you some amusing background on "Smash."

"Smash" is a title/description first conferred upon me about 6 or 7 years ago. It came about during a discussion about the hilarity and fear-inducing quality of the names of the Sith-masters from George Lucas' Star Wars trilogies. They normally took the form of Darth-some menacing adjective or noun. Darth Vader. Darth Sidious. Darth Tyrannus. All terrifying monikers, to be sure. But what was interesting was the name of the main baddie of the Lucas' Episode I, Darth Maul.

A wonderfully simple yet imposing name but one that was also a verb. Not only was it an "action-word" but one that ostensibly described what its owner intended to do to you. The beauty (read: hilarity) of this name was that it simply yet fully captured the name, intention and overall modus operandi of this villainous character.

Darth Maul
. Essentially, Darth Bash-your-skull-in, or Darth Render-you-lifeless-within-3-seconds, or even Darth Smash'em-and-Crash'em!


Now many people think smashing and crashing are synonymous. They are not. There is plenty of overlap between the two and they often accompany each other. They both involve a high degree of destruction (the sudden ruination of what was once whole and structured), disorder (the rapid disintegration of what was once organized or systematized), and general mayhem (willful and/or meaningful implementation of all of the above); all of these qualities being highly characteristic of my life up until that point.

But where these two concepts differ is in their general approach to their end. The crash is more quick and decisive in its execution. It is, generally, a more impersonal engagement leaving its target wondering "what the hell just happened?" This is not so with the smash.

There is a deliberate and purposeful quality to a smashing. It is generally a much more intimate interaction. One knows one has been "smashed" (assuming one is left able to still formulate such conceptions). There is no question as to the source of , and in many cases as to the reason for, the smashing.

These are the main differences between the two forms. Neither is inherently better than the other. Sometimes one is required at the exclusion of the other while at other times both are required, as they often complement each other very well.

In any event, I represent the Smash side of things. This blog will serve to chronicle some of my actions, more of my thoughts and in a general way give an organized account of life viewed through a smashed lens...as inherently contradictory as that might sound.

Also, I'll probably be posting some archived posts from some of my previous blogs. So I hope you guys enjoy some or all of it.

Peace and blessings.



T. said...

It took me quite a while to understand the difference myself. For newcomers out there, you should know that there actually Smash actually has a gangsta partner named Crash, to make it even more confusing. And if you dare mix their names up it gets ugly.

gerald lam said...

ahhh, so finally we get Smash's origin issue. hilarious. ruff, you were born with a quill pen in one hand and a pilsner in the other. cheers.

Ruff said...

Yeah word. Gotta give the people a little something whenever you revamp a title.

Desiree said...

Ok so I don't feel as left out now. Gerald didn't know the origin either? cool. Mayhps ill have to do a post about Smash n Crash's cooler little sister "Flo and Mona". BTW Flo is so back.