Monday, March 3, 2008

Lil' Rascals!

Here's a perfect example of why I can't stand "girls."

Just to give you some quick background, Opie & Anthony are a radio duo ("shock-jocks", if you like) with a syndicated talk-show for CBS and XMRadio. They're pretty hilarious. I'd call them radio geniuses in fact. They're more clever though just as base as Howard Stern ever was. In fact they're currently broadcasting in his old drive-time morning slot in New York and other markets.

This particular clip is of a bunch of 'Playmates' coming onto the show to plug something or other for MTV. Now O&A, having done scores of interviews such as this one, knew that there's only so much substance to be had out of a conversation with girls like these. And this isn't just about whether the girls are "airheads" or not, though sometimes these chicks have nothing to offer, conversationally, besides silly giggles and superficial comments; adding nothing to the show beyond the fantastic imagery of a hot girl. But it's often the case with these women that when you try to engage in that fantastic imagery, you get stonewalled. All of a sudden a woman, who had no problem using her sex appeal as a commodity during the beginning or current career, wants to "prude-up" and act like she's too good for the room.

The porn-star refuses to engage in sexual activity, which would be fine if she had something to offer besides superficiality. The playmate or model could, at the very least, indulge in some open honest conversation, going with the "flow of the show." Sure it'll probably be sexual in nature at first. I mean, it's a collection of single guys and that's the main demo. But if you're a strong enough personality it shouldn't be too much of a problem to expand out of or away from just one subject.

So to bring it back to the clipO&A, knowing that they'd in all likelihood get little radio out of the girls, played graphic sex videos on the monitors above the console; anal-gaping, 2-Girls-1-Cup, men fellating trannies, all sorts of shit. All the while they're ostensibly trying to conduct a normal interview.

A few things to notice:
1. The guys never make reference to the video, at least not initially. This means that their continued attention to whatever was playing is pretty much self generated.
2. All the models were at some point nude models and all are currently employed as some form of "eye candy" (ie: the chick who's a "Round Card-Holder" for MTV's Wildin' Out). It's not a problem to jump-start your career with the your" sex" but it's a problem if men, as consumers, maintain an interest in you based on that "sex."
3. Not all the girls have the same reactions to the video or to the increasingly personal nature of the questioning. Some of these girls are cool with it! Or at least willing to engage in the interaction. But as soon as enough of the girls express enough discuss, and as soon as ONE GIRL says she's had enough, they all follow suit. This phenomenon screws millions of men over on a nightly basis.

And just so you know, these guys broadcast 6-9am on 92.3FM in NYC and from 6-11am on 202 XMRadio.
Here's one of their commercials from last year.


p.s. After you watch the original Porn girls clip, take a look at the one titled Louise Ogborn McDonald's Security Tape. It's long but it will blow your mind.

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